Mitch Rothbardt
Your Fitness Copywriter
Writing content, emails, and website pages - All designed to get more of YOUR kind of clients into your gym.
Let’s face it: Personal trainers have a perception problem.
It's not you so don't take it personally. It's that most people still think personal trainers just yell at you like they see on “The Biggest Loser”.
They don’t know the work and study and endless freaking energy it takes to do what you do.
They think personal training is just making people tired and telling them not to eat pizza.
That’s the biggest challenge you have as a personal trainer or gym owner trying to grow your business:
Letting people know who you really are and what you stand for.
After all, no one ever said to themselves, “I want to make a lot of money. I think I’ll become a personal trainer.” It’s a heck of a lot different than that.
You go to work before “normal” people go to work
You get home after “normal” people get home
You use an incredible amount of physical energy demonstrating exercises
And you use a monumental amount of emotional energy supplying motivation, support, and...let’s face it…just caring.
Between training clients, writing programs, managing finances...and maybe...just maybe...doing anything else you want to do...LIKE SLEEP...I know how hard it is to find the time to market your business.
I know because I’m doing it right now.
I’ve owned my gym, Castro Valley Fitness in Castro Valley, CA (that’s just outside of Oakland) for the last 12 years.
Over that time, I’ve grown an average of 10% every single year (until 2020 of course) while using one thing as my main marketing channel:
My copywriting has been the thing that’s grown my business from an annual revenue of zero dollars to well over six figures.
Copywriting will:
Get your message to the right people at the right time.
Make your sales conversations easier, predictable, more comfortable, and more natural.
Let your prospects know who you are and why you’re the one that can solve their problem.
Increase the value you give to the clients you already have so they stick around longer.
In other words, copywriting helps you Get More Clients and Keep Your Current Ones Happier and More Engaged!
I’ve been where you are right now and I can help you grow sustainably while promoting your values so you come across as YOU, not just what people think personal trainers are.
Let’s talk about how to get your message to your IDEAL CLIENT and if you don’t know who that is yet, we’ll talk about that, too.

Contact Me
Drop me a line to talk about how you can use writing to get more of the clients you want or just have me do it for you!