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Say Goodbye to Leash Tugs and Over-the-Top Greetings: Unleash Tail-Wagging Bliss with It’s Not Magic’s Pawsitively Fun Training!

Train your dog faster and easier than you ever thought possible using methods that are a blast for both you and your dog. 

You love your dog more than anything. Maybe even more than some of the people in your life. They’re the most wonderful dog ever, right? The cutest and most best-est! 


But when you get home after a long day and know you’re about to get jumped on… Or you hear the doorbell ring and freeze knowing your guest, (and the entire neighborhood), is about to hear a Metallica volume of barking…or your arm is getting yanked from its socket on a walk…well…it’s kind of tough to love them like you know you should right then. 


That’s normal. 


But training your dog to be even better than the most best-est (which they already are) can be done faster than you may think. 


Once you learn what your dog is saying, you’ll know what to do and how to do it.


You’ll know how to be positive in situations where it may be difficult, which makes this all so much more enjoyable and effective.


The key is developing a deeper understanding of what your furry friend wants and needs, and that’s how to foster the deeper connection you both want.


You’ll learn how to teach your dog better behaviors, and that means getting home after a busy day, opening the front door, and seeing your best buddy sitting there with their tail wagging like a flag on a windy day, looking at you like their hero. 


You can do this. 

Sounds great...
How does this work?

It’s all about having fun and I’ll get more specific about that in a second, but first let me introduce myself. 

Hey there, I’m Fiona, CPDT-KA Certified Dog Trainer, and I can’t wait to meet your dog! 

I’ve been fascinated by animals and their behavior ever since I was a 16 year old volunteer at the East Bay SPCA. A rambunctious red husky’s reaction to me and the treats in my pouch showed me that the study of canine behavior and training was the path for me. I received my B.A. in Anthrozoology (the study of the bond between humans and animals) in May 2020. 

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My training (Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers, Knowledge Assessed) means you get a trainer that uses the most up-to-date methods to help your dog. 

I’m excited to bring this wealth of knowledge to It’s Not Magic clients and prove that training a dog is not about waving a magic wand. The Positive Training Method is more playful, more effective, and what’s best for your dog and your connection with each other.

What is the Positive Training Method?

It’s training based on positive reinforcement and what we dog-trainer-nerds refer to as behavior replacement. That means replacing a behavior (jumping on you when you get home) with a more desirable one (a calm, friendly greeting.) 


The Positive Training Method is what’s been shown in study after study to be more effective in creating long-lasting behavior change in your dog. 


To put it a different way, telling your dog “No!” doesn’t really work, does it? 


(If it did, I’ll bet you wouldn’t have read this far.) That’s because they don’t know what specifically you’re asking for. “No” is not a behavior.


They need to understand that there’s something specific you’d like them to do and how incredible that thing is! 


I can help you do that, and make the whole process playful and easy for both of you.

"We are so lucky to have found Fiona to help us with Violet and Tessa! Just from our first couple of sessions we have seen them gain confidence, trust, and excitement to train with us.Fiona is incredibly insightful and compassionate." - Jazmin

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How long does the
training take?

You may think it’ll take hours, but with the Positive Training Method the training can mostly take place during a commercial break. 5 or 10 minutes here or there each day. It’s not difficult and the best part? It’s FUN! 


Those breakthrough moments when your dog “gets it” and you feel deep in your heart that what you’re doing is bringing them as much joy as it’s bringing you? It’s like nothing else. 

How do we get started?

  1. Fill out this short info form (insert screenshot and link to info form)

  2. Schedule your phone consultation when we’ll talk about what’s going on so we can be sure I’m a good fit. 

  3. If we agree that I am, we’ll set up either a trial session, a walk + train, (a 30-45 minute walk with your dog where we work on a variety of skills) or a training package, whatever you’re comfortable with. 

  4. I’ll come to your house, your dog’s comfort zone. That’s where it’s best to directly address your training goals, and since you don’t have to go anywhere it’ll be easy to fit into your schedule.

  5. After each session you’ll receive a full write-up of everything we worked on, including:

  • Written instructions on every new exercise so you’ll be able to do them flawlessly

  • The philosophy and reason behind them so you’ll know what you’re looking for and why

  • Videos demonstrating everything so you can see it in action for easier application

That’s it! You’ll find this an easy process. 


You’ll also be able to text me anytime with questions. I love talking about this stuff! 

There’s no such thing as a “bad” dog and that includes yours! 

It’s just that some dogs haven’t been taught better behaviors. We may not be able to understand it, but leash pulling, over-the-top excitement when they hear a doorbell, or intense reactions to other dogs or people are behaviors that have worked for them to some extent in the past. Now you get to show them more acceptable ones! 


Every dog is capable of that, and you can do it while having a great time and not taking up hours of your day. 


Imagine the change you’ll see after a week of daily 5-10 minute practice between our sessions…  


You won’t believe how good it feels to look at your dog, as happy and in love with you as any dog could ever be.  

"I knew we were in good hands with Fiona as soon as she walked in the door. She easily demonstrated how to get Max to stop jumping up.

Since then, her expertise and compassion have become even more apparent and Max's improvement in so many areas has been amazing and much easier to come by than we ever could have thought.

It's Not Magic, but it feels pretty close.

Thanks, Fiona!" - Mitch & Kristi


The longer you wait to address undesirable behaviors the harder they are to break, so the sooner you get started, the better. 


To get started just fill out this info form and then book a phone consultation here.


You can transform your dog’s behavior. I’ve seen it over and over. Let's embark on this joyful journey together! Let’s keep your leash-holding arm in one piece and attached, shall we?

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